I will be starting Short Stories!!!

By: Whitney T. Hines

For those of you who read my last post, you may know now that I will be doing shorts in the near future. My plan is to publish a short in between the publications of my novels. I wanted there to be something for you readers to read at all times from me. I know all too well how hard it is to wait on an author to publish their next book. So I thought why not do some shorts to keep my readers occupied until my next publication comes out. 

So (my lovely readers) tell me what you think. Do you guys like the idea of short stories? Is that something you all would be interested in?

The idea behind the shorts is this: I want there to be about three different series. Within those three series there will be at least five stories, at most ten. Each story will be a stand alone, but keep the over all theme of that particular series.

To get your minds thinking about this new concept, I will post a snippet of one short that is from my IN LOVE series on Wattpad. 

If you would like to view here are the instructions to do so: 

  • Go to www.Wattpad.com 
  • If you already have an account with Wattpad then feel free to sign in. If not don't worry you don't need to be signed in to read. But if you would like to comment on the excerpt then I would advise you to join the Wattpad site. 

  • Once there, search for my profile name Whines8. From there you can either click on the Short Excerpt cover to begin reading OR click on my profile name that will take you to my profile where you will be able to find the short there. 
The short is called Sophia (YOU CAN CLICK COVER TO GO TO STORY)

Please feel free to come back here and leave a comment below, or you can leave me a comment on my Facebook & Twitter pages, as well as leaving a comment on the short excerpt itself on Wattpad.com

If you want to read a little more maybe I'll post one more snippet of the short story if I get a lot of comments saying they want more. Also likes and votes would really give me reason to post another part. 


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