Starting Fresh... Again

By: Whitney T. Hines


What can I say, it's been a very long time since I've been on any of my social media outlets. I know I took some time off but I really needed it. I mean life can get crazy if you let it overtake you and that is what I did. However, I really did miss writing even though I'm glad I took the time off. I really needed that time to figure out what I really wanted to do with my writing. 

Why I took the break: 
I took it not only because I needed some time off or even because I was having writers block. I also took the time off because, I just wasn't feeling like I was making any headway with my writing. I put a novel out in 2012 called Pain & Pleasure: Perplexed love and even though I sold almost 300 ebook copies it just seemed like I made no successful strides at all. I needed to figure out what I really wanted to do with my writing and how I wanted to do it. Once I finally made the decision to do what I loved without doubt and hesitation, with some help and pushing from my lovely husband, I was ready to get back at it and now here I am starting up my blog again. 

My Future Plans: 

  • Plans for this blog are to post at least twice a week. I want to be able to keep my fans informed with what is going on with me and my writing. I also will have this blog connected to my Goodreads account for anyone who follows me there to view and also my website (once the new one gets finished). I will also talk to you, the fans, about different things such as: What you guys would like to see from me, what type of presence on social media you like to see from your favorite authors, your opinions about my published stories and much more. 

  • Plans for my stories are a lot more extensive. I know for sure I will be finishing, revising, editing and professionally publishing the following books: A 2nd edition of Pain & Pleasure: Perplexed Love book 1, Pain & Pleasure: Lost Love book 2, Teach Me How to Kiss, the spin-off of TMHTK (The story of Lauren and Derek, my very first story I ever wrote A Broken Hearted Girl, My Contract With a Vampire book 1, book 2 of MCWAV series (no title yet). Plus, I also have a new book idea that I am currently getting ready to write. I will talk more about that in a later post.

  • will also become a big part of my social media use. I will start doing a lot of things through that site to keep in contact with you guys (the fans.) More on that topic soon. 

  • Wattpad will always be a big part of keeping in touch with you guys too. I will not be posting anymore stories on there once my books become published. But I will use it to keep my readers, who started with me on Wattpad, informed on what's going on with me and when my books will be available to read and purchase.

  • Also I have some shorts I will be publishing as well. I will talk more about those in another post as well.

My Schedule for this fresh new start is as follows: 

  1. Post on this blog 2 times a week. 
  2. Update my Wattpad, Goodreads, Facebook & Twitter pages at least 2-3 times a week (with notifications of my blog posts and other random topics)
  3. I may try my hand at Instagram and youtube, but I'm not sure just yet. I will keep you guys posted on that. 

Goodreads - 
Wattpad - 
Facebook - 
Twitter - 

With all that being said, I am really going to put my all into my writing career, even more than before and I hope you guys stay with me as I go through this journey. 

Until my next post, 


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