
Showing posts from October, 2017

Teach Me How to Kiss NEWS!!!

By: Whitney T. Hines If you have been following me on since the beginning then you would have either seen this book or read this book. Whines8 is my username on Wattpad, but this book is by me. Now, I finished this book a long while ago and I had plans to do a sequel to this book and then a spin off with two other characters from this book, (Lauren and Derek). Since I've come back from my little break from writing, of course I have been getting fan emails and messages asking about different stories and when they will be published or updated. Well, I was talking to one of those fans, who happen to be really big readers of this book in particular. She asked me if there was a chance I could put an epilogue at the end of this book just to give some insight on what was to come in the next installment. After thinking it over awhile, I thought it was actually a good idea and thanked her for giving me the idea. But, then just when I began outlining said epilogue I decide

So What Do You Think?

By: Whitney T. Hines As all of you know, I had posted last week about a short story series I am about to start working on. I even went as far as to give you all a little snippet of what was to come with the very first book, Sophia {Forbidden Love} , of my very first short story series, IN LOVE . Well, after thinking about it further and looking at the low views of the snippet, I've come to think that maybe the little snippet I posted on wasn't really enough of an excerpt to get your blood flowing for the series. So, I have come to the decision that I will post Chapter One: A New Start  (click link to read chapter one) and MAYBE even chapter two (not really sure about chapter two yet) of the book and see what all of your feedback is after that.  Please, Please feel free to give your comments on here, my Facebook & Twitter pages and also where the book is posted on my Wattpad page. Also, I would love your votes on and your likes, lets me know y

For all those who follow me on Wattpad... NEW UPDATE!!!

By: Whitney T. Hines Hey, all my lovely readers.   For those of you who follow me on you all know that I have been writing a story called My Contract With a Vampire. It is my most popular book on a nd I plan to get it professionally published very soon. As most of you know as well, I haven't updated that story on in quite some time. I think it has been like.... a year almost .  Well, I am on the very last chapter of this book. I had previously uploaded chapter 52: Out With The Old Life... In With The New Life part 1 . Well, the time is finally here... I HAVE UPLOADED A NEW PART !!! Chapter 53: Out With The Old Life... In With The New Life part 2 is finally out to read.  **Click the Cover to read newest chapter!!** I really hope everyone enjoys this part of the chapter. It took me about 2 weeks to finish... (Hey, I have 3 kids, a new puppy and a husband) It gets very busy. But please I hope you guys will g

I will be starting Short Stories!!!

By: Whitney T. Hines For those of you who read my last post, you may know now that I will be doing shorts in the near future. My plan is to publish a short in between the publications of my novels. I wanted there to be something for you readers to read at all times from me. I know all too well how hard it is to wait on an author to publish their next book. So I thought why not do some shorts to keep my readers occupied until my next publication comes out.  So (my lovely readers) tell me what you think. Do you guys like the idea of short stories? Is that something you all would be interested in? The idea behind the shorts is this: I want there to be about three different series. Within those three series there will be at least five stories, at most ten. Each story will be a stand alone, but keep the over all theme of that particular series. To get your minds thinking about this new concept, I will post a snippet of one short that is from my IN LOVE series on Wattpad. 

Starting Fresh... Again

By: Whitney T. Hines SO MANY THINGS TO DISCUSS.... What can I say, it's been a very long time since I've been on any of my social media outlets. I know I took some time off but I really needed it. I mean life can get crazy if you let it overtake you and that is what I did. However, I really did miss writing even though I'm glad I took the time off. I really needed that time to figure out what I really wanted to do with my writing.  Why I took the break:  I took it not only because I needed some time off or even because I was having writers block. I also took the time off because, I just wasn't feeling like I was making any headway with my writing. I put a novel out in 2012 called Pain & Pleasure: Perplexed love and even though I sold almost 300 ebook copies it just seemed like I made no successful strides at all. I needed to figure out what I really wanted to do with my writing and how I wanted to do it. Once I finally made the decision to do what I loved